Our Barnes & Noble Bookstore is the campus one-stop shop for apparel, gifts, and accessories. Bookstore staff work with faculty prior to each semester to list course textbooks online and ensure our students are getting competitive deals on new, used, and rental options.
Bookstore Hours:
- Monday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
- Tuesday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
- Wednesday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
- Thursday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM
- Friday: 9:00AM - 3:00PM
- Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
Rental Returns & Refunds:
Purchasing Your Commencement Cap and Gown:
All participants must wear the proper academic regalia (traditional cap and gown) to participate in the graduation ceremony. Caps and gowns for baccalaureate and associate degrees are blue with a white tassel and are eco-friendly, made of a wood-based fabric from renewable, managed forests.
Graduates and potential graduates who are participating in the commencement ceremony can purchase a cap/gown/tassel set from the bookstore for $68 plus tax (prices are subject to change). Penn State New Kensington Bookstore has caps and gowns in stock in a variety of sizes. Stop by or contact the bookstore as soon as possible while all sizes are in stock. For class ring and graduation announcement orders, go to Josten's. Customizable announcements as well as a selection of diploma frames are available at the bookstore.
The bookstore is located on the bottom floor of the Student Union. You can contact the store at 724-334-6170.