Penn State New Kensington students, faculty and staff completed seven community service projects in six days during the campus' Week of Service in September. Projects included stuffing envelopes for the campus THON efforts, flag folding and notes for military members, landscaping at a local animal shelter, making dog toys for animals at Animal Protectors in New Kensington, participating in Vincentian Senior Citizen Home's "Rocking for Residents," and painting a hospitality building at Northmoreland Park.

Penn State New Kensington students Mitchell Ray, left, and Jessica Kurtz, right, make dog toys from recycled shirts. The project was part of the campus' Week of Service event in September. The finished toys were delivered to Animal Protectors, an animal shelter in New Kensington.

Kary Milan, director of Development and Alumni Relations, left, and Rebecca Dietrich, multimedia specialist, joined other Penn State New Kensington staff and faculty members for the annual United Way Day of Caring on Sept. 14. The campus team spent the day painting a hospitality center at Northmoreland Park in Apollo, Pa. The Day of Caring was also part of the campus' Week of Service.

Penn State New Kensington staff and faculty members participated in the annual United Way Day of Caring on Sept. 14. The campus team spent the day painting a hospitality center at Northmoreland Park in Apollo, Pa. The Day of Caring was also part of the campus' Week of Service. Participating campus members included: Adam Robinson, learning center coordinator; Ashley Traini, financial aid coordinator; Kerrie Coleman, assistant teaching professor in nursing; Rebecca Dietrich, multimedia specialist; Corinne Coulson, manager of strategic communications and marketing; Kary Milan, director of development and alumni relations; and Jason Bush, director of business and finance.

Penn State New Kensington students and staff helped clear and beautify landscaping at Animal Protectors in New Kensington. The project was part of the campus' Week of Service in September. Pictured, left to right: Sarah Hallman, graduate assistant in the Office of Student Affairs; Gabi Kriley; and Bradyn Claycomb.