Penn State New Kensington's Police and Public Safety department held its first "Cram the Cruiser" event on Dec. 11 to collect toys and items for the Valley Points Family YMCA's early learning and school age childcare sites. The collected items were then delivered to the YMCA's New Kensington branch to be sorted for the seven childcare locations.

Sergeant James Lane (far right), Penn State New Kensington station commander, visits with children at the Valley Points Family YMCA's Early Learning Center in downtown New Kensington. Lane and Wesley Sheets, southwest district deputy chief, spent time giving the children police badge stickers before dropping off nearly 200 toys and other items collected during the campus police officer-led "Cram the Cruiser" event.

A Valley Points Family YMCA childcare employee smiles as she holds up a miniature Penn State basketball hoop. The item was one of nearly 200 toys and items donated to the YMCA's early learning and childcare sites during Penn State New Kensington Police and Public Safety's "Cram the Cruiser" event.

Bonnie Lantz, a community member and YMCA board member, drops off donations for Penn State New Kensington's "Cram the Cruiser" event on Dec. 11. The event, led by the campus' Police and Public Safety department, collected toys and items for the Valley Points Family YMCA's early learning and childcare departments.

"The easiest way to express our gratitude would simply be to say thank you to everyone that participated in this event and know that over the next year, there will be an excited kid at one of our Y sites using the items that you donated. We are humbled by your thoughtful generosity and look forward to seeing and hopefully sharing the smiles that are generated from your donations." - Michael Newell (center), chief executive officer of the Valley Points Family YMCA, to the Penn State New Kensington campus community after their "Cram the Cruiser" event, which benefited the YMCA's seven early learning and childcare sites. Sergeant James lane (far left), the campus' station commander, and Wesley Sheets (second from left), southwest district deputy chief, joined Newell and other YMCA staff to deliver the toys and donations collected from the event to the YMCA's branch in New Kensington.