Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Teri Murphy [email protected] Theater & IST, 033 724-334-6120
Megan L. Nagel, Ph.D. [email protected]
Regional Chancellor, Regional Chancellor's Office
Debra Novak [email protected]
STEM and Youth Programs Coordinator, Continuing Education and Outreach
Conference Center, 050 724-334-6119
Christopher Payne [email protected] Student Union, 038 724-334-6122
John Peles [email protected]
Professor, Biology
Ostermayer Laboratory, 209 412-675-9000
Nicholas Petrucci [email protected] Arbuckle Technology, 125 724-334-6711
Daniel Pinchot [email protected]
Senior Director of Enrollment Management for Southwestern Pennsylvania, Admissions and Student Aid
Administration 724-334-5466
Jessica Leigh Pratt [email protected] Student Union, 038 724-334-6122
Kristen L Pueschel [email protected]
Associate Teaching Professor, Mathematics
Administration, 113 724-334-6145
Jennifer Rankin [email protected]
Learning Center Coordinator, Academic Affairs
Administration Building, 001g 734-334-6098
Elizabeth Reiner [email protected]
Administrative Assistant, Academic Affairs
Theater & IST, 035 724-334-6793
Larissa Jane Roberts [email protected]
Athletic Trainer, Athletics
Athletic Center, Training Room
Claudette Rockwell [email protected] Student Union, 038 724-334-6122
Tyler Rudloff [email protected]
Admissions Counselor, Admissions and Student Aid
Amy Rustic [email protected]
Librarian, Blissell Library
Blissell Library & Computer Center, 143B 724-334-6072
Holly Saville [email protected]
Assistant Volleyball Coach, Athletics
Athletic Center, 103 724-334-6750
Debra Seidenstricker [email protected]
Admissions Counselor for Transfer Students, Admissions and Student Aid
Evan Shaffer [email protected]
Support Specialist Supervisor, Information Technology Services
Blissell Library & Computer Center, 044E 724-334-6091
Naeem Shahid [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Physics
Technology Building, 128 724-334-6732
Ginger Shaw [email protected]
Instructional Designer and Faculty Integration Specialist, Academic Affairs
Theater & IST, 035 724-334-6795