Student Facilities Fee (SFF) Proposal

(a new facility, modifications, etc...)
Brief Explanation of why funds are being requested. Follow guidelines for request. Explain briefly what improvements, expansions, or recreational/multi-use facilities are being proposed. Please include how this request fits the needs of the students in a non-academic fashion.
Request Criteria
1. Please provide a detailed description of improvements, expansions, or recreational/multi-use facilities requesting funds. Discuss how the infrastructure of the campus is fit for this project, where this project(s) will take place, etc.
Explain how this will encourage student involvement and how it will benefit the majority of the student body.
Does this project correlate with any goals or strategies incorporated in the campus strategic planning handbook? If so, list where so the committee can further review. If not, leave blank.

The Penn State New Kensington Facilities Fee Committee thanks you for your request and proposal. You will be notified of the status of your request after review and voting by the committee.


Office Use Only


Date Received: _______________

Date Reviewed by Committee:_______________

SGA President:______________________________

Approved: Yes or No (Circle One)

Date Approved:_______________

Reason, if denied:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Official Signatures


Chancellor: ______________________________Date:_______________

Reason, if denied:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total Amount Granted: $_______________

Date forwarded to University Park, if $10,000 or more:_______________

Date Final Approval Received: _______________

Reason, if denied:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________