The "Practice What We Teach" exhibit is featured throughout January 2018 in the Penn State New Kensington Art Gallery. The showcase includes multimedia works from current and retired educators throughout western Pennsylvania through the Alle-Kiski Arts Consortium.
"Carousel Rabbit" stained glass art by Prissy Pakulski. The New Kensington-Arnold School District educator's work is displayed in the Penn State New Kensington Art Gallery throughout January 2018. The work is part of a showcase titled "Practice What We Teach" featuring current and retired art educators from western Pennsylvania.
"Rooster" earthenware art piece by Ron Korczynski. The retired Highlands School District educator's work is displayed in the Penn State New Kensington Art Gallery throughout January 2018. The work is part of a showcase titled "Practice What We Teach" featuring current and retired art educators from western Pennsylvania.
"Multi Color Bowl" stoneware by Ed Zembruski. The retired Burrell School District educator's work is displayed in the Penn State New Kensington Art Gallery throughout January 2018. The work is part of a showcase titled "Practice What We Teach" featuring current and retired art educators from western Pennsylvania.