Request for Presentations from K-12
Option 1: Teaching for the Future
- How are you preparing students to be life-long learners, and to adjust to the impacts of leading-edge technologies? How are you assuring their digital citizenship skills and ability to protect themselves and those around them, and to assure that technology is used to the advantage of all? Share your ideas and work!
Option 2: Leading Edge Tech in Teaching and Learning
Are you integrating technology in your teaching and student learning? Are you teaching students about various technologies and the impact those may have on their futures? Share your approaches!
Option 3: Research and Ideation with Other Experts
- Would you like to hear from business/industry/non-profits or higher education faculty members about areas they see as connected to yours? What questions do you have? What would you like to discuss? Share your ideas and your needs to see if someone in the audience can meet your needs.
Option 4: Human Impact and Ethics
- How are you considering the impact of leading technologies on the students you serve and their communities? How do you prepare students to think about the impacts of these technologies on human conscious citizenship? In which areas do ethical questions arise? Which questions can we ponder with you?