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Zachary Gaskell and Kylie Meyer Present at EPA Annual Meeting

Zachary Gaskell and Kylie Meyer Present at EPA Annual Meeting

Working with Drs. Harnish and Krumenacker, Zachary and Kylie presented “The effect of Normative and Informational Social Influence on Compulsive Buying.” This research examined how electronic word-of-mouth in the form of a product review might impact compulsive buying. They found that compulsive buyers were not impacted by either normative or informational social influence.

Yanuo Zhou, Kalina Boshkovska, and Jamison Nee Present at EPA Annual Meeting

Yanuo Zhou, Kalina Boshkovska, and Jamison Nee Present at EPA Annual Meeting

Working with Drs. Harnish and Krumenacker, Yanuo, Jamison, and Kalina presented “Attitudes Toward Protecting Endangered Species: The Impact of Perceived Physical Attractiveness,” which explored the impact perceived physical attractiveness of an animal (by humans) has on protecting the species from harm. They found that the more physically attractive the animal was, the more protection for support from harm the animal received.

Students at desks

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The grant from the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation will support 40 Community and Future Workshops across four campuses in southwestern Pennsylvania: Penn State Beaver; Penn State Fayette, the Eberly Campus; Penn State Greater Allegheny and Penn State New Kensington.