Research Interests
The Politics of Slavery in the Early American Republic, 1770 - 1840
Inveterate Imperialists: Contested Imperialisms, North American History, and the Coming of the U.S. Civil War - December, 2022
A Fire Bell in the Past The Missouri Crisis at 200 Volume II “The Missouri Question” and Its Answers - December 1, 2021
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pasley, Co-Editor
Introduction, The 1821 Project - December 1, 2021
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pasley
Inveterate Imperialists: Contested Imperialisms, North American History, and the Coming of the U.S. Civil War, American Nineteenth Century History (UK) - August, 2021
‘Useful to the Public Business': An 1803 Letter from New Madrid, Upper Louisiana , Missouri Historical Review - July, 2021
Collaborator: Thomas Slancauskas, Co-Author
A Fire Bell in the Past: The Missouri Crisis at 200, Volume I, Western Slavery, National Impasse - June, 2021
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pasley, Co-Editor
The Centrality of Slavery: Enslavement and Settler Sovereignty in Missouri, 1770 – 1820 - June, 2021
Introduction, The Missouri Crisis as Early American History - June 21, 2021
Collaborator: Jeffrey Pasley
Mastery over Slaves, Sovereignty over Slavery: James Monroe, Virginia, and the Missouri Crisis - January, 2021
Paul D. Naish, Slavery and Silence: Latin America and the U.S. Slave Debate, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017), Journal of the Early Republic - July, 2019
Review Essay of Calvin Schermerhorn, Unrequited Toil A History of United States Slavery, Reviews in History (UK) - April, 2019
President, Planter, Politician: James Monroe, the Missouri Crisis, and the Politics of Slavery, Journal of American History - March, 2019
Review Essay of Graham A. Peck, Making an Antislavery Nation: Lincoln, Douglas, and the Battle over Freedom , Reviews in History (London) - July, 2018
Mid-Continent Borderlands: Illinois and the Early American Republic, 1774–1854, Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society - April, 2018
Review of Patrick Spero and Michael Zuckerman eds., The American Revolution Reborn , History: The Journal of the Historical Association (UK) - March, 2018
Not ‘Braveheart for Black People,’ but ‘Braveheart with Black People’, Civil War History - March, 2018
Review of Matthew Karp, This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016), Journal of Interdisciplinary History - 2017
Race, Slavery, Sectional Conflict, and National Politics, 1770 – 1820 - 2017
Review and Forum on Matthew Karp, This Vast Southern Empire: Slaveholders at the Helm of American Foreign Policy (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2016) - October, 2017
How to get corruption out of state government - June 5, 2017
The Growth and Decline of Slavery in North America - January, 2017
Review of Patrick Rael, Eighty-Eight Years: The Long Death of Slavery in the United States, 1776 – 1865 , Reviews in History (London) - September, 2016
Reading Guides for Peter N. Stearns, Globalization in World History, (Routledge, 2016), 2nd ed. - September, 2016
Slavery, Sectionalism, and the Constitution of 1787, Common-Place: The Journal of Early American Life - September, 2016
Reading Guides for Andrew Schocket, Fighting Over the Founders - June, 2016
Review of R.J.M Blackett, Making Freedom: The Underground Railroad and the Politics of Slavery (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2013) , Florida Historical Quarterly - March, 2015
‘The Most Free of the Free States:’ Politics, Slavery, Race, and Regional Identity in Early Ohio, Ohio History - 2014
The ‘High-Road to a Slave Empire:’ Conflict and the Growth and Expansion of Slavery on the North American Continent - June, 2014
Slavery, Sovereignty, and Empires: North American Borderlands and the American Civil War, 1660–1860, Journal of the Civil War Era - June, 2014
Slavery’s Borderland: Freedom and Bondage Along the Ohio River (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013), Register of the Kentucky Historical Society - April, 2014
Review of Jennifer Hull Dorsey, Hirelings: African American Workers and Free Labor in Early Maryland (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2011), American Historical Review - 2012
Slavery, Sovereignty, Settlement, and Empire in the Early American West, 1760 – 1820, Journal of the Early Republic - July, 2012
Lacy K. Ford, Deliver Us from Evil: The Slavery Question in the Old South (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009) , Journal of Social History - September, 2011
Review of Sam W. Haynes, Unfinished Revolution: The Early American Republic in a British World (Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press, 2011) H-SHEAR, May 2011, H-SHEAR - May, 2011
Contesting Slavery: The Politics of Bondage and Freedom in the New American Nation - April 13, 2011
"Uncontrollable Necessity": The Local Politics, Geopolitics, and Sectional Politics of Slavery Expansion, Contesting Slavery: The Politics of Bondage and Freedom in the New American Nation - April 13, 2011
Introduction: Slavery, Sectionalism, and Politics in the Early American Republic, Contesting Slavery: The Politics of Slavery in the New American Nation - April 13, 2011
Stephen Hahn, The Political Worlds of Slavery and Freedom (Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 2009), Journal of American History - June, 2010
Territorial Expansion - 2009
“Anti-Masonry” and “Knights of the Golden Circle” - 2009
Robert Pierce Forbes, The Missouri Compromise and its Aftermath: Slavery and the Meaning of America , Journal of the Early Republic - 2008
Adam Rothman, Slave Country: American Expansion and the Origins of the Deep South (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005) , American Nineteenth Century History (UK) - 2007
Slavery, Freedom, and Expansion in the Early American West - November, 2007
“New Jersey,” “Delaware,” “Paxton Boys,” “Edmund Andros,” “Delaware River,” “Natchez,” “Louisiana,” “New Amsterdam,” “Susquehanna,” “Chesapeake,” “Common Sense” and “Thomas Paine” - 2006
H. Breen, The Marketplace of Revolution: How Consumer Politics Shaped American Independence (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), Pennsylvania History - 2004
John Kukla, A Wilderness so Immense: The Louisiana Purchase and the Destiny of America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003), Pennsylvania History - 2004
‘They Are Very Much Interested in Obtaining an Unlimited Slavery’: Rethinking the Territorial Expansion of Slavery in the Louisiana Purchase Territories, 1803 – 1805, Journal of the Early Republic - October, 2003
‘We Are to Be Reduced to the Level of Slaves’: Slavery, Planters, Taxes, Aristocrats, and Massachusetts Antifederalists, 1787-1788, Historical Journal of Massachusetts - July, 2003
PhD, History, University of Kentucky
BA, Physics, Temple University