Hal Smith

Photo Hal Smith
Associate Professor, Information Sciences and Technology
Theater & IST, 036

Defining Projects to Integrate Evolving Team Fundamentals and Project Management Skills, Journal of Information Systems Education - April, 2008
Collaborators: Debra Smarkusky; Elizabeth Corrigall

A SIMPLE FRAMEWORK FOR DISTRIBUTED COMPONENT-BASED SYSTEMS, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges - June 1, 2007
Collaborator: III, Harold H Smith

Healthcare Management System: An Application of Component- Based Software Architectures with Performance, International Journal of Computers and Their Applications - December, 2006

Dual Hopf Orders In Group Rings Of Elementary Abelian p-Groups, Journal of Algebra - December 15, 2005
Collaborator: Lindsay N Childs

COMPETENCY MATRICES FOR PEER ASSESSMENT OF INDIVIDUALS IN TEAM PROJECTS, SIGITE '05: Proceedings of the 6th conference on Information technology education - October, 2005
Collaborator: Deborah Smarkusky

A Performance Framework for Component-Based Software Architectures, International Journal of Computers and their Applications - January 1, 2005
Collaborators: Deborah Smarkusky; Andrew Vandivort

A Texture-Centric Meta-Model for Component-Based Software Architecture, International Journal of Computers and their Applications - January 1, 2005
Collaborators: Andrew M Vandivort; Debra L Smarkusky

On Tool Selection for Illustrating the Use of UML in System Development, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges - May, 2004

Team Projects Throughout the Curriculum: Course Management, Teaching Initiatives and Outreach, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges - May, 2004