Research Interests
My research context lines in consumer segment, fashion industry, retailing and services with the focus in the following areas: 1. Antecedents and consequences of consumption decision making. 2. Impact and roles of brand loyalty 3. Formation and sustainability of retail agglomeration 4. Small business and entrepreneurial marketing businesscross cultural study.
Stretching the Performance Quality-Value-Behavioral Consequences Chain: An Empirical Study of Business and Leisure Segments of Upscale Hotels in Thailand , International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Management - November, 2019
Collaborator: Nak Gulid, Co-Author
Incorporating Community Service Learning in Business Classes: A Food for Thought
Culture and Fashion Styles: Do They Co-Exist in Women’s Fashion Magazines? An Explorative Investigation from New York, London and Bangkok, Journal of Textile Science and Fashion Technology - September, 2018
February, 2018
Small Business Performance in Thailand: Key Success Factors , Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship - October, 2017
Collaborator: Siriporn Allapach, Secondary Author
The Formation and Sustainability of Same Product Retail Store Clusters in a Modern Mega City, Journal of Economic and Social Geography - December, 2016
Collaborator: Randall Shannon, Co-Author
Monogamy and Promiscuity: A Study of Consumer (mis) Behavior of Luxury Brands in Thailand - June, 2016
Professional Women’s Fashion Clothing Decisions in Bangkok and New York - January, 2016
Collaborator: Thinada Piamphongsant, Co-Author
Fashion – A comparison of Eastern and Western Style - November, 2015
Collaborator: Vicki Blystone
The Roles of Leadership and Market Orientation in Performance of Small Enterprises in Thailand - November, 2014
Collaborator: Siriporn Na Pompetch, Co-Author
Old Traps for New Players: Western Direct Retailing Investment in Emerging Asian Markets, International Review of Management and Marketing - April, 2014
In-House Retail Market Research in Emerging Countries - December, 2013
Collaborator: Dafydd Maclaren, Co-Author
Relationships between Service Loyalty, Value and their Consequences: A Comparative Study of Business and Leisure Segments of the Upscale Hotel Markets, Northeast Business and Economic Association Annual Conference Proceeding - November, 2012
Collaborator: Nak Gulid, Co-Author
A Model of Customer Loyalty and Corporate Social Responsibility, Journal of Services Marketing - 2011
Collaborator: Yawalak Poolthong, Co-Author
Professional Women’s Variety-Seeking Behavior in Fashion Clothing: New York City and London, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal - 2011
Collaborator: Thinada Piamphongsant, Author
Sustaining Traditional Grocery Store Formats in an Increasingly Modern Trade Shopping Environment - November, 2011
Collaborator: Frank Santimauro, Co-Author
The Analysis of Interpersonal Effects on Fashion Consciousness and Status Consumption Moderated by Materialism Value among Metropolitan Men, Journal of Business Research - November 8, 2011
Collaborator: Aurathai Lertwannawit, Author
Comparative Materialism Value Analysis of Interpersonal Effects on Fashion Consciousness and Status Consumption among Metropolitan Men, Global Marketing Conference - 2010
Collaborator: Aurathai Lertwannawit, Author
Opening up a Services Market – The Thai Spa Industry, Spa Industry: Coming of Age - 2009
Opening up a Services Market – The Thai Spa Industry, Welcome to Wellness - 2009
Attaining Niche Sustainability in International Wellness Tourism, Proceedings of Annual International Conference on Sustainable Enterprises of the Future - 2009
Collaborator: Frank Santimauro, Author
Exploring Organic Retail Clustering in Bangkok, University of Oxford, Said Business School, Fifth Conference on Retailing in Asia Pacific Proceedings - 2009
Collaborator: Randall Shannon
Customer Expectations of CSR, Perceived Service Quality and Brand Affect in Thai Retail Banking, International Journal of Bank Marketing - 2009
Collaborator: Yawalak Poolthong
Casual Path Modeling of Grocery Shopping in Hypermarkets, Journal of Product and Brand Management - 2008
Collaborator: Randall Shannon
Psychological Antecedents of Career Womens Fashion Clothing Conformity, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management - 2008
Collaborator: Thinada Piamphongsant
Are Brand Attitudes and Subsequent Purchase Decision Stable Overtime in the Thai Carbonated Soft Drinks Market, Northeast Business and Economic Association Conference Proceedings - November, 2008
Collaborator: Costas Hadjicharalambou, Author
Stand By Me: A Preliminary Report of a Same-Product Retail-Store Clustering Location in an Asian City, University of Oxford, Said Business School, Fourth Conference on Retailing in Asia Pacific Proceedings - 2007
Collaborator: Rujirutana Mandhachitara; Randall Shannon
Why Private Label Grocery Brands Have Not Succeeded in Asia, Journal of Global Marketing - 2007
Collaborators: Randall Shannon, Author; Costas Hadjicharalambous, Author
Opening Up a Services Market, Management Case Study Journal - July, 2007
The Continued Evolution of Food Retailing in Thailand, University of Oxford, Said Business School, Third Conference on Retailing in Asia Pacific Proceedings - 2005
Collaborator: Randall Shannon
CERT, Marketing Analytics, Penn State University
CERT, Korean Language, Listen & Learn
CERT, Fashion Business, Parsons School of Design
PhD, Marketing, Thammasat Universtiy
Summer Course Scholarship Student , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Visiting Doctoral Student, New York University
Visiting Doctoral Student, University of Oxford