UPPER BURRELL, Pa. — Middle school students and high school students can get the lowdown on future employment opportunities in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields at a series of “STEM Exploration” workshops at Penn State New Kensington, located on state Route 780 in Upper Burrell Township. The three-day workshop for middle school children runs 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday to Wednesday, June 20-22. The one-day workshop for secondary students runs from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, June 23.
The STEM events provide an opportunity for grade-school students from Armstrong, Butler, Indiana and Westmoreland counties to hear about careers and what skills will be needed for future workforces from local employers. The hands-on workshops will give students a chance to complete “real world” team projects. The events are co-sponsored by the New Kensington campus.
Registration is free and lunch will be provided at both events. The registration deadline is June 15. To register for either workshop, call Debra Novak, coordinator of STEM programs at the campus, at 724-334-6119 or register online at www.nk.psu.edu/youthprograms.
Middle students
The middle school workshop will focus is on STEM industries. Representatives from medical research, bioengineering, manufacturing, energy and sustainable resources will give advice and answer questions. The Alle-Kiski Valley and the surrounding areas are home to numerous STEM-related companies. As a part of the camp, participants will tour local corporations each day.
The event is sponsored by the Westmoreland-Fayette Workforce Investment Board. The cost is free for students from Westmoreland county.
Secondary students
The high school workshop will focus on safety in science. Workers in the emergency response cleanup, waste treatment, wetlands restoration and sustainable resources businesses will talk about the future of their respective industries. McCutcheon Enterprises Inc., a local company that offers transportation, disposal and onsite environmental services for all waste management solutions, will host a tour of its Apollo facilities to participants. Transportation will be provided.
The event is sponsored by the Tri-County Business-Education Partnership, the Tri-County Workforce Investment Board. The cost is free for students from Penn State New Kensington's five county service area, which includes Allegheny, Armstrong, Butler, Indiana and Westmoreland counties.
Bill Woodard
Alumni and Public Relations Specialist