Kylie Meyer
Major: Psychology
Year at Penn State: Senior : Expected graduation: 2022
What made you want to join PaSSS?
I was eager to begin college, and I figured the PaSSS program would help me to get a jump start on college without being too overwhelmed. Also, I wanted to join PaSSS to meet new people and feel more comfortable about being in a new school environment.
How do you think PaSSS prepared you for college?
PaSSS helped me to meet new people, become more comfortable in a new environment, and showed me the resources I have to get help in college.
What was your favorite thing about PaSSS?
My favorite thing about PaSSS was meeting new people and learning some valuable skills that helped me to obtain a job here at Penn State.
What advice would you give to students thinking about joining the program?
My advice to students is to join this program because of all the benefits that come from it. You will meet new people that will help you through your journey in college, and this program will make you feel comfortable about starting college.
Share a favorite moment or memory from PaSSS!
My favorite memory from PaSSS was going on a trip to Dave & Busters and Paint Monkey. This was a lot of fun for me because I got to relax and enjoy myself while having a new experience with the new friends that I had made from the program.
Audrey Surma
Major: Corporate Communications
Year at Penn State: Sophomore : Expected graduation: 2024
What made you want to join PaSSS?
One of the main reasons I wanted to join PaSSS was because I learned that after the program, I would be able to get a job on campus (which I did!). Another main reason was that I knew that I would be able to get a head start on my classes and become even more prepared for my first year at PSNK.
How do you think PaSSS prepared you for college?
Overall, I think PaSSS helped me feel prepared in a way that made me less anxious. I was able to meet some of my peers and work with them in a team, learn different study tips, how to manage stress, and learn about the resources PSNK offers. Throughout the program, I felt more confident each week because I was able to learn a lot of information a whole month before my first week of classes.
What was your favorite thing about PaSSS?
My favorite thing about PaSSS was being able to work with other students. Even though for me, it was through Zoom, it was nice to not only meet them for the first time but come together as a group and create a project that entailed all of our ideas and knowledge.
Also, as I mentioned before, another one of my favorite things about PaSSS was being able to get a job on campus.
What advice would you give to students thinking about joining the program?
I think you should join PaSSS for so many reasons, but my main one is to beat the anxiety of starting college! Sometimes you may feel stressed or worried about starting college but PaSSS provides you with countless opportunities and knowledge that will give you a boost into your first year!
Share a favorite moment or memory from PaSSS!
My favorite memory from PaSSS was playing Pictionary with my PaSSS peer mentor and two other students. It was so difficult to do because I was trying to draw with my laptop mouse pad that all my pictures were turning out crazy looking! My group and I kept laughing because none of us could get one good drawing done because we were all using our mousepads!
Laura Ertman
Major: Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Year at Penn State: Sophomore : Expected graduation: 2024
What made you want to join PaSSS?
I got a letter in the mail and wanted to use it as an opportunity to ease into college courses.
How do you think PaSSS prepared you for college?
PaSSS prepared me for college because it heled me with time management skills as well as realize that the workload is on me, the professor is not there to hold your hand like in high school.
What was your favorite thing about PaSSS?
I actually enjoyed that my courses were online, it let me travel still during the summer. Summer 2020 PaSSS was all remote.
What advice would you give to students thinking about joining the program?
If you have the opportunity to join PaSSS, you should it is very beneficial, it could help you graduate early or in my case helped me pick up 2 minor and still graduate on time.
Share a favorite moment or memory from PaSSS!
I do not have a favorite memory from PaSSS mine was online and I was in Texas, but it did help me make friends for when I got to the school.
Nick Wilder
Major: Psychology
Year at Penn State: First-year : Expected graduation: 2025
What made you want to join PaSSS?
The reason I wanted to join the past program is because I want the real experience of what it's like to be in college, before I was always afraid, I wouldn't understand how college works until now.
How do you think PaSSS prepared you for college?
The PaSSS program did prepare for college and again I was still adjusting to the new environment and meeting interesting people.
What was your favorite thing about PaSSS?
My two favorite things I liked in the PaSSS program was like I said before meeting new people and getting to know them, and the food here is delicious and especially their chips.
What advice would you give to students thinking about joining the program?
If it's first time in this program you'll be fine, and one more thing enjoy every moment in both the PaSSS program and College as well.
Share a favorite moment or memory from PaSSS!
My favorite moment in PaSSS program was enjoy lunch because my first time meeting other PaSSS students was scary, but I got to know so many interesting people.
Hanna Morow
Major: Business
Year at Penn State: First-year : Expected graduation: 2025
What made you want to join PaSSS?
I joined PaSSS because I wanted to get some credits taken care of early to put me ahead.
How do you think PaSSS prepared you for college?
PaSSS prepared me for college because I knew my way around campus and where all my classes would be. It was also helpful because in the summer I tend to forget a lot of things that I learned, but by taking the summer classes I didn't have that problem.
What was your favorite thing about PaSSS?
It was a low-pressure atmosphere that allowed me to get situated from the high school to college adjustment. It was also nice because it allowed me to meet a lot of the faculty that I would be seeing around campus.
What advice would you give to students thinking about joining the program?
For me I wasn't thrilled about giving up my summer because I wanted to go out and do things with my friends, but then I realized that you still have some time off and I was still able to go out with my friends and have a good time. So, if you're on the fence of if you want to take advantage of the program just realize that you are getting ahead of everyone else and benefiting your future while having fun.
Share a favorite moment or memory from PaSSS!
My favorite part was it gave you the one-to-one teaching environment, with smaller than usual classes if something doesn't make sense, they can see where you are struggling and help you understand.