Employer Registration and Information
EMPLOYER REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 AT 4 p.m. No employers will be added to the event after this time.
Please read entire page for complete details. Registration link is located at the end of this page.
Event Details:
When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (You may log on as early as 8 a.m. that morning.)
Where: Online - see more details below about how the event will work.
Hosted by: PA CareerLink Alle-Kiski & Penn State New Kensington
This unique opportunity enables you to showcase your company and/or your vacancies to all the vendors and job seekers who attend.
This year's fair is virtual! Just like our annual in-person events, this online job fair will have live interactions with candidates. You will be able to present and share information with candidates, and also have the option to conduct private interviews.
After completing the registration form, a representative from the job fair committee will follow up with you to help you set up your virtual booth, provide resources and training to help you make the most of this recruiting opportunity, and answer any questions you have.
For those who have not recruited at a virtual career event before, we will be providing instructions and online sessions to help you prepare.
For additional assistance with your local hiring needs, please contact either:
- Career Link Alle-Kiski at 724-334-8600 or
- Penn State New Kensington Career Services at 724-334-6095