Alumni and friends will pack Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell March 26 for Penn State New Kensington Alumni Society’s 15th annual Alumni Bowlathon.
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — Turkeys and buzzards will be in season at the Penn State New Kensington Alumni Society's 15th annual Alumni Bowlathon from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 26, at Wildlife Lanes in Lower Burrell.
“One of the advantages bowling has over golf is that you seldom lose a bowling ball.” -- Don Carter, professional bowler
Hosted by the local society of the Penn State Alumni Association, the tournament is open to all levels of bowlers — from those heralded for three consecutive strikes (turkey) to those bedeviled by three consecutive open frames (buzzard). The entry fee is $20 and includes three games and shoe rental. Four- or five-person teams may sign up, or individuals may sign up and be assigned to a short-handed team.
“Our annual bowlathon is a great way to give back to the students and the community,” said John Spadaro, a member of the society’s board of directors and coordinator of the bowlathon. “This event raises money for our local students at Penn State New Kensington.”
Tournament sponsorships are available for $500 and $250. Lane sponsorships are available for $50 and $100. Sponsorship and registration forms are below.
“Our success depends on you,” Spadaro said. “Become a sponsor or bowl with your friends and family; either way, it's a great day to be a Penn Stater.”
Spadaro, a former campus student and 1982 Penn State graduate, has chaired the event since its inception. He served as president of the alumni group for two years, 2007 to 2009.
The bowlathon is the society's major fundraiser in the spring, and the proceeds support the organization's pledge for funding campus projects and to increase its endowed scholarship at the campus. Last year more than 150 alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff and friends of Penn State filled Wildlife Lanes to capacity and raised $7,000.
The society helped sponsor the Academic and Student Awards reception and a student trip to Washington, D.C. for a national student government conference. Bowlathon proceeds boosted the scholarship endowment to $120,000, and last year four scholarship students received a total of $6,000 from the society.
In conjunction with the alumni tournament, an intramural competition is held to determine the best bowlers on campus. The Chancellor's Cup, emblematic of bowling supremacy at Penn State New Kensington, is up for grabs as students, faculty and staff test their mettle in the annual showdown of campus keglers.
As it has for the past four years, the cup resides with the Old Timers, a staff team of Bubba Hileman, Tim Perroz, Steve Perroz, Ryan Perroz and Leo Fitch. The Old Timers have hoisted the cup a record nine times. The Mean Four own two titles, and Juicers, Fun Fest and Half-Keglers, the inaugural cup holders, are one-win wonders. Hileman, the "Yogi Berra of alumni bowlathons," has 10 cups to his credit as he was a member of the Half-Keglers in 2003 (Berra earned 10 World Series rings with the New York Yankees).
For more information on the bowlathon, call Spadaro at 724-337-8536.
Sponsorship Form
$500 — Exclusive Event Sponsorship
— Company or personal name displayed on event sponsorship board
— Company or personal name displayed on scoring monitor
— Inclusion in live announcements during the event
— Inclusion on the Penn State New Kensington website and newswire service
— Half-page company or personal advertisement in event program
— Four (4) free bowling registrations
$250 — Event Sponsorship
— Company or personal name displayed on event sponsorship board
— Company or personal name displayed on scoring monitor
— Quarter-page company or personal advertisement in event program
— Two (2) free bowling registrations
$100 – Big Ten Lane Sponsorship
— Company or personal name displayed on sponsorship board
— Company or personal name displayed on scoring monitor
— Company or personal name in bowlathon program
— Inclusion in live announcements during event
— Inclusion on the Penn State New Kensington website
— Inclusion on the Penn State New Kensington newswire service
$50 – Nittany Lion Lane Sponsorship
— Company name or personal name displayed on sponsorship board
— Company or personal name displayed on scoring monitor
— Company or personal name in bowlathon program
Your contribution is tax deductible.
Please make checks payable to PSNK Alumni Society.
Name: _______________________________________________________
Company Name: ______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City: _________________________ State: __________ Zip Code: _______
Mail to:
John Spadaro
508 Greenridge Road
New Kensington, PA 15068
Sponsorship deadline — Friday, March 17
Registration Form
Cost: $20 per person (includes three games of bowling and shoe rental)
Registration: Mail the registration form below with your check payable to: PSNK Alumni Society
The $20 registration fee per person must accompany this form. Please complete one form per person. (Please Print)
Name:_______________________________ Work Phone:______________
Address:_____________________________ Home Phone:______________
City:____________________________State:_______ Zip Code:_________
Team Name:_________________________________________________________________
Team Members:_______________________________________________________________
Mail to:
John Spadaro
508 Greenridge Road
New Kensington, PA 15068
Bill Woodard
Alumni and Public Relations Specialist