The Office of Admissions and Student Aid at Penn State New Kensington is offering a variety of virtual events and resources during the coronavirus outbreak. Visit newkensington.psu.edu/virtual-visit for more information and to see listing of events.
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — The Penn State New Kensington Office of Admissions and Student Aid is offering a variety of virtual appointments, meetings and events for prospective students and families to ensure recommended social distancing guidelines during the coronavirus outbreak. A listing of resources and virtual events can be found at newkensington.psu.edu/virtual-visit. Individuals can check the page regularly for updates and additional programming as it is made available and scheduled.
Virtual chats with Admissions and Student Aid
Students and families can visit with admissions or student aid representatives Monday through Friday each week in virtual meeting rooms via Zoom.
- Admissions representatives are available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. at https://psu.zoom.us/j/733195876.
- Student aid representatives are available every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. at https://psu.zoom.us/j/622080255.
Those wishing to request a one-on-one virtual appointment can call 724-334-5466, text 724-461-1186 or email [email protected] to schedule.
Virtual Lunch and Learn Sessions
Join faculty and staff from the campus for virtual presentations and question and answer sessions from noon to 1 p.m. on scheduled dates. Those who participate will be eligible to receive a $65 application fee waiver if they have not yet applied to the University. To join a Lunch and Learn session, visit https://psu.zoom.us/s/455858160 during the designated dates.
- Tuesday, March 24 — Student Aid
- Thursday, March 26 — Student Life
- Monday, March 30 — Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology Bachelor's Degree Program
- Tuesday, March 31 — Biobehavioral Health Bachelor's Degree Program
- Wednesday, April 1 — Nursing (RN to BSN) Program
Virtual transfer student appointments
Students interested in transferring to Penn State New Kensington can schedule a virtual appointment with a transfer admissions counselor to discuss transcript reviews, academic program offerings and more. To schedule a transfer appointment, call 724-334-5466, text 724-461-1186 or email [email protected].