We provide FREE tutoring services. We offer both one-to-one and group tutoring sessions depending on a student's preference. Our services cover a wide variety of courses and subjects, including writing, math, biology, chemistry, and languages just to name a few. Our tutors are PSNK students whose goal is to help their fellow PSNK'ers reach their academic goals. We believe that all students benefit from using our tutoring services, and we strive to make our tutoring sessions productive, relaxed, and hopefully a little fun too.
If you have questions about our tutoring services, please e-mail our Learning Center Coordinator.
Why Tutoring is Beneficial to All Students
All students benefit from tutoring. Our tutors can certainly help when you are struggling with a course. However, we encourage you to make working with a tutor a routine part of your semester even when you are happy with how you are performing in your courses. Tutoring can add variety to your study time, keep you on the right track, and strengthen your performance. Plus, highly effective people use all resources that are available to them, so they can do their best work. And our tutors benefit from the experience too because they strengthen their knowledge and skills through teaching others.
How to Schedule a Tutoring Appointment on Starfish
For Subject Tutoring:
- Log in to Starfish
- In the top left corner, Click the drop-down menu
- Click on Courses
- Select the appropriate semester
- Click Schedule Appointment
- Select reason and click Continue
- You will see appointment times available for all of the tutors who can tutor the specific course
- Select the desired appointment day and time
- Click Continue
- Click Confirm
- You will receive an appointment confirmation in your Penn State New Kensington e-mail
For Writing Tutoring:
- Log in to Starfish
- In the top left corner, Click the drop-down menu
- Click on My Success Network
- Click Schedule on Free Writing Tutoring for All Courses
- You will see appointment times available for all of the tutors available for writing tutoring
- Select the desired appointment day and time
- Click Continue
- Click Confirm
- You will receive an appointment confirmation in your Penn State New Kensington e-mail
How to Request a Tutor
If you cannot schedule an appointment on Starfish, then e-mail the Learning Center Coordinator. You should receive an e-mail, via your PSU e-mail account, within 7 business days with information regarding your request and instructions for making an appointment. If you have not been contacted within this time period, please contact the Learning Center Coordinator.
Tutee Agreement
I will attend class regularly.
I will be on time to my tutoring sessions. I will make every effort to contact my tutor or the Learning Center Coordinator if I am running late or cannot attend. My tutor will only wait 15 minutes and if I arrive after this, it will be considered a no-show.
I will communicate my goals regarding tutoring and the course to the tutor.
I will come to my sessions prepared with the relevant course materials and study materials.
I will read assigned class material and make my best effort to complete assigned problems, homework or assignments before coming to my tutoring session.
I understand that my tutor will not do my work for me.
Are you seeking help for an elementary, middle, or high school student?
Unfortunately, we do not coordinate such tutoring through our center because our tutors are hired solely to work with current Penn State New Kensington students.