A little early morning levity for Debra Majetic, left, coordinator of the Radiological Sciences program at Penn State New Kensington, and her Radiographic Exposure class. Radiologic technologists perform medical imaging tasks to detect illness.
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — Prospective students can explore opportunities in the field of radiology and biomedical technology from 6:30 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 27, during Penn State New Kensington's open house in the campus Conference Center.
Sponsored by the radiological sciences (RadSci) and biomedical engineering technology (BET) programs, the joint open house is geared to high school seniors and juniors, and adult learners. Participants can review information about the programs, meet with faculty and staff, learn about financial aid, and explore the New Kensington campus’ health care programs. Faculty and staff will provide information on various aspects of the two health disciplines.
“The open house will give prospective students an opportunity to see what the RadSci program has to offer,” said Debra Majetic, coordinator of the radiological sciences program. “Students wishing to enter the health field may be interested in X-ray as a career.”
"It is a great chance for high school juniors and seniors, as well as people looking for a career change, to explore career opportunities for biomedical engineering technicians,” said Joie Marhefka, coordinator of the BET program. “It offers an opportunity for those interested in a meaningful career in a health care field to interact with students and faculty, see the labs and campus, and to gather valuable information prior to making college and career choices.”
As a part of the health care team, radiologic technologists use imaging techniques to assist radiologists with detecting illnesses. Tasks include explaining the procedure to the patient to ensure comfort and safety, and capturing quality images to allow for a proper diagnosis by the physician. Radiological services are offered in a variety of settings such as hospitals, health care facilities, physicians' offices, research centers and equipment sales offices. Careers in radiography offer flexible work schedules that accommodate various lifestyles and employment needs.
New Kensington’s two-year radiological sciences program features an academic and clinical-based curriculum. Graduates earn an associate degree and are eligible for examination with the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. The 72-credit program begins in the fall of each year and requires 24 consecutive months of study, including summer sessions.
“I realize this is a busy time of year, especially for high school seniors, and choosing a career, changing careers or deciding what school to attend is a challenge for many,” Majetic said. “Career opportunities await students in the field of radiology after graduation.”
Biomedical personnel are responsible for servicing medical equipment in health care facilities. The campus’ BET program is known for producing well-qualified and knowledgeable technicians. Health care providers, including hospitals and clinics, rely on biomedical engineering technicians to operate, maintain, troubleshoot and repair medical equipment. Inspections and calibration are a part of the technicians’ tasks. New Kensington's associate degree program is one of only three in the nation to be accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
To register for the open house event, call 724-334-LION or 888-968-PAWS, or register online.
For information on enrolling at the campus, visit newkensington.psu.edu/admissions.
For more on the programs, visit radiology sciences or biomedical engineering technology online.
Bill Woodard
Alumni and Public Relations Specialist