Guests enjoy the photo booth during the 2017 Off the Wall pARTy at Penn State New Kensington. The 2018 event, scheduled for June 15, will feature art, live music and interactive activities. Proceeds benefit student scholarships and cultural programming.
NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — Penn State New Kensington will once again celebrate arts and culture while raising funds for student scholarships and programming at the upcoming “Off the Wall pARTy” on June 15.
“The Penn State New Kensington ‘Off the Wall pARTy’ will include live art demonstrations by regional and nationally acclaimed artists; live and silent auctions; tastings and spirits; music and merriment,” said Kary Milan, director of development and alumni relations at the campus.
The event, now in its second year, promises to add upon last year’s success and features even more interactive activities for guest to enjoy.
“It’s a very fun evening, and I think a lot of people were surprised last year and found it to be a very great night out celebrating the visual and performing arts, celebrating Penn State; and it’s the students who really benefit,” Milan said.
This year’s VIP experience, which promises a red-carpet atmosphere, will highlight Pittsburgh-based, award-winning artist Joyce Perry, along with a newly added aspect for those attending as VIPs. “Masterpiece Theatre” will showcase three artists doing live demonstrations on the Forum Theatre stage. Ray Kuckinka, Moira Richardson and Sarah Hunter, all Westmoreland County-based artists, will work on their craft while live music, provided by Pittsburgh’s Big Blitz Band, fills the air. The band, which blends dance, rock and jazz, is comprised of local high school students who also performed at New Kensington’s 2017 Art and Music Festival. The VIP Experience begins at 6 p.m. and concludes at 7:30 p.m.
The pARTy officially begins at 7 p.m. and spans multiple locations throughout the campus Administration Building. Interactive activities will have guests participate in creating a large-scale mural, a take-home gift from PopCraft of Pittsburgh and a creative photo booth. Live music also will be a hallmark of the main event. Best of Pittsburgh winner Neon Swing X-perience will bring its swing, rockabilly and blues sound that is sure to get guests on the dance floor.
The New Kensington campus also is highlighting a special milestone during the event: the campus’ 60th anniversary.
“The pARTy is the perfect event to kick off our 60th anniversary because it is such a celebratory night and recognizes all the best our campus has to offer,” said Milan. “We want our alumni and friends to help us start our celebration — and what better time and place than at the pARTy of the year.”
While the event aims to provide an evening of fun and culture for guests, the pARTy’s importance beyond that is what should be remembered.
Milan said proceeds from the ‘Off the Wall pARTy’ will benefit Penn State New Kensington’s student scholarship fund, as well as the cultural arts fund.
“Now more than ever, students face many challenges in getting to and getting through college,” said Milan “We have long been committed to serving students for whom higher education may otherwise be out of reach.”
Milan’s goal for guests of the event is threefold.
“First, I hope they have a really great time at the pARTy,” she said. “Second, I want them to know how much their participation and attendance at the pARTy is helping to further the education of current Penn State students. Third, if they’ve never been to the campus, I hope they have a very positive experience and will come and visit again for other activities on campus.”
For more information about the 2018 “Off the Wall pARTy,” visit newkensington.psu.edu/wall-party or call 724-334-6056.